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Map updates

No matter how hard I'd try, my graphical skills would never be able to do justice to the amazing ASCII art map that's already provided by the Kringle Kiosk. Without ASCII there'd be no write-up, so it's only appropriate to showcase this artistic gem here! Two minor additions to the map are the dark hallway leading to Santa's portrait and the hidden Garden Party area near the top right corner of the courtyard.

     __       _    --------------
    |__)_  _ (_   | NetWars Room |
    | \(_)(_)|    |              |
                  |            * |

    __  __                              __  __
     _)|_                                _)|_          -------
    /__|        Tracks                  __)|          |Balcony|
                1 2 3 4 5 6 7                          -------
     -------    -------------                             |
    |Speaker|--| Talks Lobby |                        --------
    |Unprep |  |             |                       |Santa's |
     -------    ------       |                       |Office  |
                      |      |                        --    --
                      |     *|                          |  |
                       ------                           |   ---
                                                        |    * |
        __                ------                         ------
     /||_                |Garden|
      ||                 |Party |
                            |                     __ __           --------
      --------------------------              /| |_ |_           |Wrapping|
     |        Courtyard         |              |.__)|            |  Room  |
      --------------------------                                  -------- 
        |                    |                                       |
     ------    --------    ------                         ----    --------
    |Dining|--|Kitchen |--|Great |                       |    |--|Workshop|
    |      |   --------   |      |                       |    |  |        |
    | Room |--|      * |--| Room |                       |    |  |        |
    |      |  |Entryway|  |      |                       |    |  |        |
     ------    --------    ------                        | .. |  |        |
                   |                                      ----   | *      |
               ----------                                         --------
              |Front Lawn|       NOTE: * denotes Santavator